Nigel Rumsey

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Laura Pannack: documentary photographer

This Rave Late video features Documentary and Editorial Photographer Laura Pannack talking about her experiences working on both commissions and personal projects.

It's interesting to hear about how she instigates projects, preferring to concentrate on subjects she feels passionate about rather than those which may be more obviously commercial. She also talks about trying not to go into a project with a particular outcome in mind. The work could end up being an exhibition, a book, or maybe it'll never see the light of day. I think this is an important lesson, if you're so focussed on your predetermined outcome, it can't but influence the work and the way that you shoot it. You need to let the outcome be determined by the work, not the other way around.

As someone who often struggles to find ways into a project, I was hoping she'd discuss a little more about the very early stages of a project. How she made an initial approach, how she got the subject to believe in the project as much as she did, wasn't really covered, never-the-less it makes very interesting viewing.