Nigel Rumsey

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A Night at the Rodeo in Dalton, Georgia

If you've not been to a rodeo, think of a cross between a circus and a village show. Add a few cowboys, corn dogs and some funnel cake, and you've got yourself a rodeo!

This is a holiday; I wasn't there to shoot, so we found a place high on the bleachers to watch the show. However, there's something about the rodeo that appeals to both documentary photographer and event photographer in me. So, the plan had been to watch most of the show, then get close to the bullpen to catch a few shots of the bull riding - which is the highlight of the night. However, I soon realised that wasn't going to happen. There are ten rows of tightly packed bleachers in front of me; without jumping off the back, there is no way down.

My previous rodeo experience was a very rural country event. There was a crowd, but you got the impression that many people were related to the riders. Here we're in the north Georgia town of Dalton, and it's standing-room only. The Sherriff is here making sure ... something doesn't happen. The Dalton Fire Department truck takes pride of place; the firefighters are sitting on top.

We all stand for the national anthem, and the announcer introduces Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene; instructing us all to get out and vote for the Republican party in the upcoming mid-term elections. My suckled-by-the-BBC impartiality hackles start to bristle. My wife steps in and shuts me up, which considering the circumstances and the twenty-five-foot drop behind me, is fair enough.

Ms Greene – the Representative in the House for Georgia's 14th District – strongly supports former president Donald Trump. However, the crowd seemed far more interested in their funnel cake than the Congresswoman. Although there was a cheer of support when someone suggested pitting Nancy Pelosi against one of the bulls.

At the end of the evening, some of the riders gather for a practice session to hone their skills. This allowed me to take away a few shots, although this isn't what I had in mind.

If you ever get the chance, get to the rodeo; politics aside, it's a great night.