Testing a new film: Orwo N74+

This is a shot of Robin Hood Gardens in East London. It's a test from my first roll of Orwo N74+. Orwo film is manufactured by FilmoTec GmbH based in former East Germany. The company, in various forms, has been making film mainly for the motion picture industry, since 1910. (more from Wikipedia).

This roll was developed in Kodak HC-110 'B' for 6.5 minutes. I'm very pleased with the results. The grain looks like a tabular film - very similar to T-Max 400 - which I'm generally not too fond of, but in this instance, I quite like it. I've since developed a roll in Rodinal, but that's caught in the huge scanned backlog, so it'll be interesting to compare the two.

Robin Hood Gardens, Orwo N74+

Henk Wildschut - Calais, December 2012


Randy: typing NYC