review Nigel Rumsey review Nigel Rumsey

New (to me) camera: Nikon D700

As you can see I didn’t buy a D610 as I suggested I might in a previous post. I went to look at one and for some reason, it just didn’t excite me. I appreciate that’s a rather an amorphous thing to quantify, but if you’re not using a camera as a professional tool where maybe a particular feature is paramount, it should be something you enjoy using.

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review, Video Nigel Rumsey review, Video Nigel Rumsey

Crop sensors and the psychology of full frame

If you ever look at any photographic forum (which I wouldn’t necessarily recommend) there's generally a thread with about 14,000 posts on the never-ending debate regarding the pros and cons of full-frame (35mm) sensors vs APS-C. As it happens for some time I've been thinking about trading in my Nikon D7000 (APS-C) camera for a Nikon D610 (full-frame), so I find myself in the middle of this debate.

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