Documentary Stories and Photography from in and around Gravesham

If you know of a local story that needs highlighting or something you'd like to share, contact me at

news, documentary photography Nigel Rumsey news, documentary photography Nigel Rumsey

The Election 2024

The rain got heavier, and Rishi Sunak's bespoke suit became the focus of attention. I presumed that he'd just fired the starting gun on what would be one of Gravesham's most closely fought elections in recent history. According to the polls, Gravesham would have a new Member of Parliament for the first time in 14 years. The polls were correct; we have a new MP, but it wasn't the battle I expected.

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documentary photography, news Nigel Rumsey documentary photography, news Nigel Rumsey

General Election 2024

I will be documenting the upcoming General Election in Gravesham for a future edition of The Gravesend Journal.

I intend to work with all the parties as they put their case to the people.

Please reach out with any local events and campaigning. This will be an impartial record of this important time for our community.

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The Gravesend Journal documents Stories and Photography from in and around Gravesham.

If you know of a local story that needs highlighting or something you'd like to share, get in touch.


Instagram: @gravesendjournal