Documentary Stories and Photography from in and around Gravesham

If you know of a local story that needs highlighting or something you'd like to share, contact me at

news, documentary photography Nigel Rumsey news, documentary photography Nigel Rumsey

The Election 2024

The rain got heavier, and Rishi Sunak's bespoke suit became the focus of attention. I presumed that he'd just fired the starting gun on what would be one of Gravesham's most closely fought elections in recent history. According to the polls, Gravesham would have a new Member of Parliament for the first time in 14 years. The polls were correct; we have a new MP, but it wasn't the battle I expected.

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documentary photography, news Nigel Rumsey documentary photography, news Nigel Rumsey

General Election Hustings

On Thursday evening, the City Praise Centre in Gravesend hosted the only hustings in Gravesham for the 2024 general election.

The candidates gave an opening statement and then had 90 seconds each to answer various questions on topics ranging from ethics in public office and transgender policy in schools to social care and the persecution of religious groups.

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documentary photography Nigel Rumsey documentary photography Nigel Rumsey

Gravesham: A Day in the Life

On Saturday, 1st June, anyone with a camera (or a phone) was invited to take part in Gravesham’s first Day in the Life shoot, part of the Gravesham Fringe Festival.

The aim is to make it an annual event documenting the changes in the borough from year to year.

I took portraits of shopkeepers in some of Gravesend’s small shops.

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documentary photography, print edition Nigel Rumsey documentary photography, print edition Nigel Rumsey

Print Edition - Issue Two: The Lost Pubs

In 2000, there were 67 pubs in Gravesend; at one time, there had been many more. Today, just 31 are still trading. As I write, the latest to close is The Peacock, which served its last pint on 1st January this year. As a whole, the UK loses about 500 pubs a year. With rising costs, streaming and home delivery keeping many of us on the sofa, is there a future for the British pub?

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documentary photography Nigel Rumsey documentary photography Nigel Rumsey

Gravesend’s Vaisahki 2024

Gravesend’s Vaisahki 2024 was the usual mix of good humour, great food and riotous colours.

The Sikh community hosts a wonderful celebration on the streets of Gravesend, to which all are welcome, of any faith or none.

I met some lovely people, had a great time and will definitely be back next year.

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documentary photography Nigel Rumsey documentary photography Nigel Rumsey

10 million a day

In 2021, UK consumers drank 2.5 million litres or 10 million bottles of water per day. That’s a lot of plastic. It’s great that you’re all drinking so much water; good hydration is important. But when you buy bottled water, you are driving a chain that’s having a significant impact on our environment.

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history Nigel Rumsey history Nigel Rumsey

Gravesend Civic Centre & Woodville Theatre

One of my favourite buildings in Gravesend is the Borough Council Civic Centre and Woodville Theatre.

Designed by renowned architect Henry Thomas Cadbury-Brown construction started in 1964, and the building was opened on 15th November 1968.

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documentary photography Nigel Rumsey documentary photography Nigel Rumsey

Theatre Photography: Aladdin

The theatrical ‘get-in’ is a bit like moving house. You arrive at your new home early in the morning with all your worldly possessions piled in the back of a van.

There’s furniture to be unloaded, lights to be put up, and the sound system to be installed. Inevitably, something doesn’t quite fit and you don’t know where the kettle is.

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COVID-19 Nigel Rumsey COVID-19 Nigel Rumsey

How many pubs will return?

Pubs across the country have had a torrid year. The square mile of central Gravesend had 29 trading pubs and bars as we entered the first lockdown. Sadly it seems inevitable that not all of those would reopen when restrictions are partially lifted on April 12.

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COVID-19 Nigel Rumsey COVID-19 Nigel Rumsey

The New COVID Normal

We’re told we are a living through the strangest of times. Yet, it’s surprising how quickly sights that a few months ago would have seemed entirely alien become ordinary.

At some point, these things will become history, so it seems only fitting to record some of them.

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The Gravesend Journal documents Stories and Photography from in and around Gravesham.

If you know of a local story that needs highlighting or something you'd like to share, get in touch.


Instagram: @gravesendjournal